Thursday 25 September 2008

Remove computer virus - safe computing basics

Another option is to buy anti-virus software that will find a way to attack the trojan horse or virus on your computer without the necessity to re-install. It is important however to purchase software that specifically states it can find and destroy the malicious software that is causing you problems.

How do I remove a virus from my computer you ask? Remember that prevention is far more preferable than any of the cures and follow simple safe computing practices as much as you can. If however in spite of this your computer is infected then you must do whatever necessary to remove it.

System Suite 8 Professional

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Wednesday 24 September 2008

Remove a virus from my computer - the basics 2

Always remember the golden rule when it comes to all computer viruses- prevention is far more effective than cure.Always practice as safe computing as possible when it comes to choosing what to download and where from. Following basic rules with one of the most important being don't open email attachments unless you are expecting it will stand you in good stead.

If you reach the point where you must ask - how do I remove a virus from my computer then you have already go to the stage where safe computing cannot help. The best solution is a complete re-installation with a complete cleaning of your hard drive.This can be a long drawn out process but will be effective as long as you are prepared to discard much of the contents of your pc at the same time.

System Suite 8 Professional

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how do I remove a virus from my computer? Virus protection Basics

The source of the word trojan horse is from ancient times when we are told a giant wooden horse was built to hide troops as a ploy to take over the city of Troy. The computerised trojan horse hides inside an innocent file in the same way the soldiers hid in the horse monument to invade the city. So, how do I remove a virus from my computer?

The Trojan horse is as devestating to a computer as the legendary horse was back in history. The goal underlying its purpose is different from the average computer virus and is to break down all security measures placed on the computer and then to perform functions such as installing other malicious software or stealing passwords.

You can often end up with a computer virus through no fault of your own. You could open an atachment sent from what appears to be one of your friends and instead of the joke you expected you end up with a computer virus. Or you could unwittingly download a file from a website only to find out you have opened the door to a virus.

System Suite 8 Professional

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