Wednesday 24 September 2008

how do I remove a virus from my computer? Virus protection Basics

The source of the word trojan horse is from ancient times when we are told a giant wooden horse was built to hide troops as a ploy to take over the city of Troy. The computerised trojan horse hides inside an innocent file in the same way the soldiers hid in the horse monument to invade the city. So, how do I remove a virus from my computer?

The Trojan horse is as devestating to a computer as the legendary horse was back in history. The goal underlying its purpose is different from the average computer virus and is to break down all security measures placed on the computer and then to perform functions such as installing other malicious software or stealing passwords.

You can often end up with a computer virus through no fault of your own. You could open an atachment sent from what appears to be one of your friends and instead of the joke you expected you end up with a computer virus. Or you could unwittingly download a file from a website only to find out you have opened the door to a virus.

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