Wednesday 7 January 2009

Spyware: get protected

Just as there are many different types of antivus software program, so too are there different types of anti-spyware programs. Take the time to research the types of programs that are available. Do thorough research before deciding on the one that is best suited to you.

It's always a good idea to check the internet and read a variety of anti spyware tool reviews. You might opt to choose one of the free antispyware programs.If you have encountered problems with computer viruses in the past then it would be to your advantage to spend some money on a regularly updated fully supported anti-virus and anti-spyware suite to help regain confidence in your security.

Your privacy is precious and needs to be protected, being the victim of identity fraud will make things difficult for a long time. Remember that when it comes to viruses and spyware prevention is better than having to find a cure. It is far from wasted time to find out all you can about spyware prevention and you should take some time to ensure you are protected before it is too late.

System Suite 8 Professional

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Thursday 1 January 2009

What is spyware?

Spyware is a type of malware (malicious software) that secretely gathers information about a user as they go about their day to day activities such as internet browsing. It is generally used for advertising but is installed without the users consent or knowledge. So how do I remove a virus from my computer if it occurs because of spyware or adware I was unaware of?

Spyware is not likely to result in a computer virus infection but it is another way your privacy may be put at risk when you use the internet. Some spyware packages can install other applications which can degrade the performance of your computer and piggyback other dangerous software onto your machine.

Some of the items spyware may record with regards to a users online activities can be browsing and downloading habits, recording which sites you visit and when. This can then be used to display contextual advertising on your machine. It can in some cases also pick up keystrokes and record passwords and usernames for the web sites you visit. This information can then be transferred to an external source.

The most worrying detail in this is that the user does not know what is happening in most cases. Most spyware that is being used for malicious purposes will not give the game away by slowing your pc down, displaying banner adverts or other signs that you may be infected.

If personal information is divulged to an external source then this can open the door to a host of other types of criminal activity such as identity theft or fraud. You should protect yourself and your computer by installing some software to monitor your pc and check for malware threats so you will never be left asking "how do I remove a virus from my computer?".

System Suite 8 Professional
Click here for your free trial of the best anti-virus suite

Sunday 16 November 2008

Signs you have a computer virus

It is important to note that somtimes one or more of the above problems could crop up and not be the result of a trojan horse or some kind of computer virus. It is possible that you have some sort of hardware or software problem. You can get software to health check your computer and fix problems such as those in the registry. Click here to learn more.

If you do not have anti-virus software and have this problem then you will need to run some sort of malicious software removal tool and then install up to date antivirus software.

No matter how you look at it, you will have to install some sort of anti virus software. Click here for a trial of the best system cleaner.

Be aware that it is also possible to recieve a message telling you that you have sent out an email containing a virus. This may or may not have been the case. some viruses can use your email address as the sender even though it has actually found you're address on another computer. However if you recieve such a warning it is safer to virus scan you're pc than find out later you really have been allowing your pc to send spam and infected email.

Once you can clearly answer the question "Am I infected with a computer virus?" then you can set about answering "How do I get rid of a computer virus?". Looking for some of the above signs can leave you with some ability to spot problems on your computer however it is not a good idea to rely on these and you should have up to date anti-virus

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Sunday 9 November 2008

Signs you have a computer virus

So,How do I remove a virus from my computer if I don't yet know I have one? Trojan horse viruses, and any other type of virus or malware, can take over your computer and cause terrible damage. You can lose control of your computer before you eaven realise something is wrong!

The knowledge that you have an infected program or an attachment in your email carelessly opened has caused damage to your computer is something you might realise straight away or it may take some time to figure out.

How do I remove a virus from my computer?
First, pay attention to the signs your computer may be infected.And of course in the words of the Hitch-hikers guide "Don't Panic!".

Signs you may have a virus.

- Your computer has slowed down significantly over a short period of time.

-Your computer crashes and then restarts often and without warning or obvious reason.

-Your computer restarts on its own for no obvious reason.Once it restarts it then will not run as it was origionally.

-Applications stop running correctly.

-You can no longer use disks or the activity on removable media carries on even when you are not using files on it.

-The computer brings up unusual error messages.

-Menu items or Icons appear that you have not installed.

Click here for your free trial of the best anti-virus suite

Wednesday 29 October 2008

How can I remove a Trojan virus from my computer - how viruses work

A trojan horse started out as a program with its name taken from Homer's Iliad. The name and description of the program would entice people to download it and once downloaded it would proceed to conduct malicious activities on the pc. Some Trojan horse programs would be bound to valid programs and others would use subterfuge to delay the user from suspecting their pc had been infiltrated.

Trojan horses generally only infect a few people at a time because if you are vigilant towards these kinds of malware they are very easy to detect and easy to remove. Warnings of these kind of programs would spread fast so their activity would be on a limited timeframe only.

The most significant reason for the start of computer viruses was the creation of the floppy disk. In the 1980's computer programs where very small so it was rare that computers would have hard discs as they have now. In fact apart from very basic operating systems some would require floppy discs to even start up. This meant that it became possible to hide virus code in the system areas of floppy discs , once an operating system disc was infected any other clean discs inserted into the system would be attacked and act as a stepping stone to another clean system.

In order to learn how do I remove a virus from my computer it is beneficial to understand the history of computer viruses. The only way to be able to fight these types of malicious software is to have a clear understanding of where these malware threats come from.

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Wednesday 22 October 2008

How Computer Viruses Work

The computer virus has a history which spans almost the entire lifespan of home computers. Computer viruses as we know them first made their appearance in the late 1980's. The first computer viruses came at a time which was perfect for their ability to spread and to achieve the dominance they have now. Lets look at some of the reasons.

The late 1980's saw the number of personal computers being used increase dramatically. Before the 1980's there where no computers as we know them today. Any computers being used where only used by experts in educational and military implementations. It was the popularity of the IBM PC in 1982 that saw a surge in the number of computers being used in homes and businesses. By the late 1980's computers were becoming a permanent fixture in homes,offices and in schools and colleges.

The second important part of the advent of computer viruses was the bulletin board. Using a modem computer users could dial a bulletin board and featured primitive versions of the email we all use nowadays as well as in many cases the ability to download all sorts of programs. It was the advent of the bulletin boards that not only gave enthusiasts a fertile ground to spread the sort of information that enabled programmers to develop malicious programs but also gave them a fertile breeding ground. The age of the trojan horse was ushered in by the birth of the bulletin board.

Before you can do what is necessary to answer the question of how can I remove a trojan horse virus from my computer you must understand what it is.

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Wednesday 15 October 2008

What to look for in an antivirus software part 2

Wild Threats.

Good antivirus software must be able to tackle what are known as "in the wild threats". This is not something you can determine on your own. There are numerous websites to help you with this, make sure you make use of these services before you buy antivirus software. Examples of these sites include and

Automated Updates And Scans.

Most antivirus programs include a feature to perform scheduled scans. The level of flexibility from one type of program to another varies between vendors. To have the most up to date antivirus possible, the program must be capable of regularly detecting and installing updated when available from the internet.
With regular updates and scheduled scans you may never need to ask the question "How do I remove a virus from my computer?".

Extra Features.

Your most common activities on your computer will determine the extra features that you require from your antivirus software. For example, if you are a heavy instant messaging or chat room user, then your anti virus software should have extra protection in this area. Many antivirus programs include dedicated sheilds to scan for instance p2p traffic or email as it is downloaded.

Answering "How do I remove a virus from my computer?" is simple if you equip yourself with antiviral software that is right for you and your computer.

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