Wednesday 29 October 2008

How can I remove a Trojan virus from my computer - how viruses work

A trojan horse started out as a program with its name taken from Homer's Iliad. The name and description of the program would entice people to download it and once downloaded it would proceed to conduct malicious activities on the pc. Some Trojan horse programs would be bound to valid programs and others would use subterfuge to delay the user from suspecting their pc had been infiltrated.

Trojan horses generally only infect a few people at a time because if you are vigilant towards these kinds of malware they are very easy to detect and easy to remove. Warnings of these kind of programs would spread fast so their activity would be on a limited timeframe only.

The most significant reason for the start of computer viruses was the creation of the floppy disk. In the 1980's computer programs where very small so it was rare that computers would have hard discs as they have now. In fact apart from very basic operating systems some would require floppy discs to even start up. This meant that it became possible to hide virus code in the system areas of floppy discs , once an operating system disc was infected any other clean discs inserted into the system would be attacked and act as a stepping stone to another clean system.

In order to learn how do I remove a virus from my computer it is beneficial to understand the history of computer viruses. The only way to be able to fight these types of malicious software is to have a clear understanding of where these malware threats come from.

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