Sunday 9 November 2008

Signs you have a computer virus

So,How do I remove a virus from my computer if I don't yet know I have one? Trojan horse viruses, and any other type of virus or malware, can take over your computer and cause terrible damage. You can lose control of your computer before you eaven realise something is wrong!

The knowledge that you have an infected program or an attachment in your email carelessly opened has caused damage to your computer is something you might realise straight away or it may take some time to figure out.

How do I remove a virus from my computer?
First, pay attention to the signs your computer may be infected.And of course in the words of the Hitch-hikers guide "Don't Panic!".

Signs you may have a virus.

- Your computer has slowed down significantly over a short period of time.

-Your computer crashes and then restarts often and without warning or obvious reason.

-Your computer restarts on its own for no obvious reason.Once it restarts it then will not run as it was origionally.

-Applications stop running correctly.

-You can no longer use disks or the activity on removable media carries on even when you are not using files on it.

-The computer brings up unusual error messages.

-Menu items or Icons appear that you have not installed.

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